Mig Welding

course detail

Mig Welding

Qualification: 10th /+2 /ITI (PASS OR FAIL)
Duration: 1 Months/ 2 Months
Description: Welders are in demand in the metal fabrication industry, the automobile industry, the manufacturing industry, the construction industry, transport, and various fields and industries. As a result, the job opportunities for professional welders are abundant. Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding is an arc welding process that uses a continuous solid wire electrode heated and fed into the weld pool from a welding gun. Metal inert gas—welding is generally used for large and thick materials. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the coming years expect to see a rise in job openings for welders, cutters etc. With this increase, we’re excited to partner with programs that offer training for this growing field.

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